Here are the most common ways Library staff can assist you.
Library Services
There is a college librarian available to help you find the information you need for papers, research, and other class projects. The librarian has designated reference desk hours when anyone is free to walk-up and ask questions. The librarian is also available to answer questions over the phone (763-424-0733), by email (, or in person. You can also make arrangements to meet via Zoom. The librarian’s name is Craig Larson.
If the NHCC library does not have access to a particular book or article that you need, it may be found at another library. Interlibrary loan is a service that allows us to borrow books or request articles (either in digital or paper format) from another library.
To place an Interlibrary loan request, go to the NHCC homepage, point your mouse to “Academics,” and select the “Library” from the list of options. On the library page, click on the “OneSearch” tab near the top of the page and then select “ILL Request” from the options on the top of that page. Next, you’ll log in with your StarID and password and then you can fill in the resource sharing request (for either a book or an article) and then click on “Send Request” when finished.
You will be notified by your campus email when your book is ready to be picked up. Articles will be sent to your campus email with instructions on how to access them. All interlibrary loans of physical items should be checked out and returned at the library’s circulation desk.
Any questions regarding Interlibrary loans may be addressed to Cristin Schulz (
The college librarian is available to provide library orientations and presentations to classes. These orientations may be done in the library instruction classroom (LRC 167) or in instructors’ individual classrooms. Typically, an instruction session will require a 50-minute class period and generally consists of a basic introduction to the library and its resources. If you would like to arrange a library instruction session for your class, please contact Craig Larson (
The library maintains a reserve shelf in the library where books, videos, and other materials can be set aside for specific classes. Usually, items on the reserve shelf are intended for in-library use only. If you have items you would like to place on reserve, please contact Cristin Schulz (
If there is a book, video, or other material you would like the library to add, please send an email with as much information as possible (title, author, ISBN, etc.) to Craig Larson ( for consideration.