Handshake is NHCC’s online job board and career management platform that connects students, alumni, and employers. Job seekers and hiring managers can network together, participate in career fairs, and post/review resumes and job postings.
Students Instructions
- Go to Handshake
- Sign in using your StarID and Password
- Follow prompts to setup your account
- Set your privacy level to Community, Employers, or Private (Community recommended for full access to the site’s features)
Additional Resources
Password instructions for Alumni
Did you know that employers are five times more likely to reach out to students who have a completed profile in Handshake? Uploading your resume makes creating the profile easier! Review the How to Upload a New Document resource to add your resume to your account information.
If you have uploaded your resume to Handshake (Step 2) you can use it to fill in the profile information. Follow the instructions in the Build Profile from Resume article in Handshake. Complete all sections of the profile and check for accuracy before making it viewable by employers.
Handshake is a comprehensive tool offering many resources for you to network with other students, alumni and employers. Here are just a few suggestions to help you explore and use Handshake in your job search:
- Click your name/initials in the top right corner of your home page to complete Your Career Interests
- Search for Jobs and Internships
- Save Job Searches and Alerts
- Message Employers in Handshake
- Message Other Students in Handshake
- Optimize Your Experience in Handshake
Job Search Tools
Career Services will help you develop the tools you need for a successful job or internship search.
Begin the resume writing process early in your academic career. Keep your resume updated as you learn new skills and embark on work experiences. We recommend following our Resume Writing Guide to gather your information and create a resume that reflects your current and emerging professional skills and knowledge.
A professional resume is an essential tool in your job search, clearly demonstrating to the employer how your experiences, skills, and education relate to their hiring needs. The Resume Writing Guide offers instruction on how to gather your information and create a resume that reflects your knowledge and immediate career goals. Need more assistance? Attend a resume writing workshop or contact us for a resume review!
The cover letter complements the resume with a narrative that shows the employer why you want to work for them in that specific role. Watch the cover letter writing video for a step-by-step guide.
Practice (out loud) makes perfect when it comes to interviewing. Schedule a time to meet with one of our career professionals to request a mock interview session and hone your interview strategies. See our D2L page for a list of helpful articles we recommend reading.
Internships are a great way for students to gain professional experience, explore career pathways, and get to know an organization’s culture. Likewise, employers hire interns as emerging professionals to increase their eligible hiring pool. Most organizations require that students have earned 36+ credits in a related academic field, a 2.75 GPA or above, and a developing practice of professional skills (communication, problem solving, critical thinking, etc.).
Xperience Project
The Xperience Project is a paid summer internship program that brings together local employers and students studying graphic design.
Handshake is our go to place to search for internships. We approve dozens sent by local employers each day! Typically, large corporations post their competitive summer internship applications in early fall. Mid to small size companies tend to open their summer applications around the new year. Hiring takes place in February/March to finalize intern selections beginning in June. We recommend that students seek paid internship opportunities with a supported learning environment. Multiple, consecutive internships are valuable learning experience. Many internships are offered throughout the year.
Prepare for an internship by joining NHCC’s i-Prep: Internship Readiness Program. Earn a micro-credential to certify a professional skill and a D2L certificate that shows internship initiative! See the WIEL Center D2L for more information.
Contact Us
Current students can schedule a 1:1 appointment with a career advisor through Navigate. Returning students, alumni, or employers can reach us through email or phone. While on campus, visit the Career Center inside the Library (LRC 154). We look forward to meeting you soon!
Location & Contact
Career Services is located in the Learning Resource Center (LRC) building, inside the library (LRC 154).
Career Services Hours
In-person and virtual
Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Tuesday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Wednesday: 9:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Thursday: 9:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday: By appointment
Closed Saturday/Sunday