Welcome to North Hennepin Community College!
What to Expect at NHCC
Here's some of what you can expect when you start at NHCC.
You Can Save Money
NHCC is among the most affordable colleges in Minnesota. If you're planning to get a bachelor's degree, starting at NHCC can save you thousands.
You'll Find a Degree or Certificate to Fit Your Goals
At NHCC, you can choose from over 70 degree and certificate programs. Whether you're planning to transfer, or gain skills you can apply in your career right away, you can tailor your education to your needs.
You'll Benefit From Flexible Learning Options
You can create a course schedule that works for you by choosing from in-person, online, hybrid, evening, and weekend courses.
Your Transfer Opportunities Will be Nearly Endless
If you're planning to get a bachelor's degree or higher, the sky is the limit when you start at NHCC. Not only can you earn a bachelor's degree at NHCC, but we offer an extensive list of transfer-focused programs. Here's a cool story of an NHCC Alum who earned a bachelor's degree on NHCC's campus and then transferred to Yale.
You'll be Supported Inside and Outside the Classroom
Students tell us they enjoy having small class sizes and individualized support from their instructors. Outside the classroom, you'll have access to an array services and resources that are designed to support you in being successful in your education and career.
You'll be Part of a Diverse Learning Community
At NHCC, diverse backgrounds and perspectives enrich our learning community and are celebrated. We serve one of the most diverse student bodies of any college or university in the Minnesota State system. NHCC recently received a national award for Higher Education Excellence in Diversity.
Ready to Get Started?
What Students & Graduates Are Saying

"I was looking for an affordable option to finish my generals. I am planning on transferring to a four-year degree."
Cel - Liberal Arts AA Graduate

"I waited years to go back to school because I was scared and nervous. I didn’t want to waste time or money. At NHCC, the professors are the best, you can do everything right on campus, you have research opportunities, and you can get your foot in the door!”
Melissa - Biology Student

"The night program was neat because it allowed for working adults like me and people with families to be able to go to school and still continue their daily lives. In my classes, there were traditional students and working parents.”
Jeannette - Nursing Graduate

“I always knew I wanted to do something in art. I came to North Hennepin because they had the program I was passionate about. I really enjoyed my time here; I learned a lot and had access to many opportunities. I got a graphic design internship through North Hennepin, which was great, and I got real world experience in the industry.”
Miguel - Graphic Design Graduate