Actor Auditions for
by Sophokles / Translated by Anne Carson
NHCC Dept. of Theater
Antigone is in deep grief.
Antigone’s father, King Oidipous, has left his kingdom of Thebes in self-exile, and her mother, Queen Jocasta, has passed. Upon her father’s departure, Antigone’s brothers attempt to share governance of Thebes. They cannot agree on how to do so. The city erupts in a brutal civil war that pits brother against brother and citizen against citizen. Both brothers die.
The new king, Kreon (Antigone’s uncle) is desperate to gain control over the city & citizens with a shocking display of power: he refuses to bury the body of Antigone's rebellious brother, Polyneikes, but allows burial of her brother, Eteokles. King Kreon considers one brother a patriot and the other an enemy of the state. The city must have law and order — even it violates the gods. Outraged, Antigone defies her uncle-king's rule and honors her brother with a secret burial. Kreon takes action against her, risking the wrath of the gods.
A story about fate & free will, leadership, gender, morality, citizenship, and conscience versus law.
“Myths are stories about people who become too big for their lives, temporarily, so that they crash into other lives or brush against gods. In crisis, their souls are visible.”
— Anne Carson, Grief Lessons
Jan. 31, Wednesday | 2:30 – 5:00PM
Feb. 1, Thursday | 5:00 – 7:00PM
Feb. 2, Friday | 2:30 – 4:30PM
Feb. 3, Saturday | 12:30 – 2:30PM
*If you cannot make one of these times, please reach out for arrangements. We can work with your schedule!
A short, entertaining animated video summary of Antigone
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The ancient Greek tragedy of Antigone was written 2,000 years ago by the playwright Sophokles, and yet, its' story of anguish, family, and power continues to resonate today. This production will offer a recent, modern translation by the celebrated poet / scholar Anne Carson.
The production seeks an ensemble of 11 actors.
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The NHCC Department of Theater does not discriminate against persons auditioning on the basis of race, national or ethnic origin, age, gender, sexual orientation, marital status, religion, creed, or ability.
We strongly encourage and invite all NHCC students of all ages, abilities, and gender/racial/ethnic identities to audition. There are roles in this production for all identities.
Rehearsals are super, super, SUPER FUN! But there are many rehearsals that actors need to attend in order to prepare for a theatrical production.
Rehearsals will begin around February 8, 9 or 10
From mid-February to the end of March, you can expect to rehearse 2 - 4 days a week. Rehearsals are typically 2 – 3 hours long.
In April, directly before the performance, we ask student actors to rehearse 4 days a week for about 2 weeks (April 3 - 17). This is the most time intensive moment of the rehearsal process.
Our rehearsal schedule is a collaboration with cast members: we pay attention to your class and/or work schedule to create the overall rehearsal schedule.
We do our very best to help take care of you. However, attendance to rehearsals is a central part of this experience. We urge you to carefully consider the time parameters of your schedule.
We make use of mostly late afternoons & evenings for rehearsal meeting times. We will make use of Friday & Saturday afternoons because folks tend to be free at these times.
Please don't be put off by the rehearsal schedule. Remember: rehearsals are fun because the focus is on YOU!
This show will be performed on:
April 17, 18, 19, and 20 @ 7:30PM
Four performances in total
Room #178 is the NHCC Main Theater, located directly across from FAC 119 & 120.
On each day and time of auditions, the lobby area in front of the theater will have a table with audition forms and information on it. There are chairs and tables in this lobby...grab an audition form, grab a seat & fill in the form when you arrive. We'll be in the lobby to help you.
ON SATURDAY, FEB. 3, auditions will be held in the BLACKBOX THEATER, located on the 2nd floor of the NHCC Campus Center.
- No Sign-up necessary. Drop-ins are welcome!
- BUT, if you’d like to book a firm time either within audition times or beyond them, email irma.mayorga@nhcc.edu, and we’ll arrange a scheduled time
- You will need approximately an hour of time for your audition (including potential waiting).
- We need you to fill out a form at your audition that will ask information about:
- Your NHCC course schedule for the spring
- A rough idea of your work schedule for the spring (if applicable)
- Your contact information
- Any skills or talents you have
- You are encouraged, but not required, to prepare a monologue for auditions. There will be selected readings available on the day of each audition for those who do not have prepared material.
- If you have any physical talents to demonstrate (gymnastics, dancing, juggling, tumbling, or ???) please come dressed to demonstrate. Mats can be provided.
daughter of King Oidipous* & Queen Jocasta (who were brother and sister and, unknowingly, married each other)
sister of Ismene, Polyneikes, and Eteocles
niece of King Kreon & his wife Queen Eurydike
fiancé of Haimon, son of King Kreon
wants to bury her brother's body
daughter of King Oidipous & Queen Jocasta
sister of Antigone, Polyneikes, and Eteocles
niece of Kreon & Eurydike
a loving sister, scared to help Antigone bury their brother's body
King of Thebes (after Oidipous requests to be exiled from Thebes)
brother to Jocasta (wife of Oidipous)
uncle to Antigone & Ismene
husband to Eurydike
father to Haimon
a new king for Thebes - refuses to bury the body of Polyneikes, his nephew
a military person
in the service of King Kreon
wife of Kreon & Queen of Thebes
aunt to Antigone & Ismene
mother of Haimon
fears what will happen if her husband does not bury the body of Polyneikes
son of Kreon and Eurydike
loving fiancé of Antigone
a blind prophet & wise person - their prophesies are always right
in the service of King Kreon
Chorus of Theban citizens (4 - 5 actors)
*Oidipous = Oedipus. The spelling “Oidipous” is faithful to the ancient Greek way of how to spell this famous name from mythology & tragedy.
No! You do not need to sign-up in advance. Auditions are on a "drop-in" basis. We will see people as they arrive. If you come at the start of the audition time, you'll be able to audition right away!
BUT, if you’d like to book a time because of your schedule, email irma.mayorga@nhcc.edu, and we’ll set you up with a scheduled time.
More Questions?
No problem - send an email & we'll help you find an answer.
Director: Dr. Irma Mayorga (NHCC Theatre Faculty)
Email: irma.mayorga@nhcc.edu