Many exciting events have happened on campus recently! Catch up on Fine Arts events, Employee Engagement activities, debrief from legislator visits, our Guided Pathways Planning Day, discover recent student-facing events and more, below!
Cookie Swap Event
On December 12th, NHCC's Employee Engagement Group hosted a super fun cookie swap event! There was a great turnout and many employees participated, bringing holiday treats to swap with others. Everyone ended up with a fantastic assortment of desserts to take home and it was a great way to try new treats while connecting and building community with colleagues!
A Recap of Toy Express 2024
We were thrilled to bring Toy Express to NHCC again on December 13th, offering parenting students free holiday gifts for their children!
- We had a total of 544 gifts (more are coming for the Birthday Program)
- We helped about 57 kids, about 22 students
- Each child was able to receive 6 large gifts and 4 small stocking stuffers
Faculty Snap Fun Photos at Duty Day
At our first Duty Day this spring, NHCC faculty got together for a few fun photos. Education faculty Susan Moore wrote in, "Had to share these great pictures taken by Haley Lasche in our instructional strategies session at yesterday's Duty Day."
TRIO Upward Bound Students Volunteer for Martin Luther King Jr. Day
It may have been a cold day on January 20th, but our hearts were warmed by our Upward Bound students. On Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Upward Bound students and staff volunteered at Feed My Starving Children, followed by a trip to the Mall of America to experience the Physics behind Nickelodeon Universe. We are proud of our students using their day off school to give back and learn! PS – the NHCC Upward Bound college-access program serves 50 driven and compassionate 9th- 12th grade students from Brooklyn Center, Park Center, and Robbinsdale Cooper high schools. Students must be from limited-income backgrounds and/or future first-generation college students to qualify.
A Special Visit from Our Local Legislators
A big thank you to the legislators who spent time on January 30th touring campus and learning more about NHCC and our community! Pictured left to right in the NHCC Food Cupboard is NHCC student Denisha Thomas, Representative Kristin Bahner, Lindsay Fort, Dr. Rolando García, Representative Huldah Hiltsley, Representative Samantha Vang, Representative Ginny Klevorn, and NHCC student Muna Wazwaz.
Celebrating Steps with a Smoothie Party!
Also on January 30th, NHCC’s Employee Engagement Group hosted a Smoothie Party to recognize the employees who participated/went above and beyond in the Spring Step and Workout Challenge. It was a nice time to connect with fellow employees and make a smoothie (they had multiple blenders, plus an impressive table with ample ingredients: mango, coconut water, yogurt, berries, milk, spinach and more!)
NHCC Hosts a Green Jobs and Pathways Fair
On January 31st, we held a Green Jobs and Pathways Fair on-campus. Students enjoyed learning about environmental and climate related degree programs and getting a chance to talk with employers about jobs and summer internships.
Event highlights included: an inspiring keynote speech by Randolph Briley, Director of the Outdoor Recreation Industry Partnership, plus a dynamic panel discussion with representatives from YMCA of the North, Wilderness Inquiry, Three Rivers, Camp Nicolet, Mississippi Parks Connection, City of Minneapolis, and more!
Brother 2 Brother Kicks Off Black History Month On-Campus
Brother 2 Brother (B2B) invited the campus community to an enriching celebration of Black history, culture, and innovation in Helling Hall on February 4th, as we officially kicked off Black History Month in Hennepin County. This event was a collaboration between B2B and several local organizations. We were honored to have Senator Bobby Jo Champion as the keynote speaker for this event.
Speaking Truth to Power
NHCC's Diversity Department was excited to welcome Lauren Jones back to campus (on February 4th as well) in honor of Black History Month! Lauren gave a wonderful keynote speech that she titled, “Summoning Courage for the Work Ahead.” Thank you to those who made this event possible!
On Stage Theatre Educational Outreach visit Classes
Last month, On Stage, a Theatre Educational Outreach Organization, visited some writing classes (as they have done for years!), including classes taught by Prof. Brian Baumgart (ENGL 1201: College Writing 1, for example). Part of the goal of On Stage is to expose young people to the power of live theatre and storytelling, but also to engage with students about their own experiences in life and ways to “see” how others live through various in-class activities. Each visit to NHCC is tied a play that is currently being produced and performed locally in the Twin Cities, primarily in smaller, more accessible theatres. These visits focused on the play “Sanctuary City,” written by Pulitzer Prize winner Martyna Majok, presented by Frank Theatre, and performed at Open Eye Theatre in Minneapolis. On Stage founder and program manager, Lucas Erickson led the activities, along with teaching artists Lynnea Doublette, Maria Asp and extra special guest, Mr. Harry Waters, Jr. himself!
Showing Appreciation for our Students with a Collaborative Campus Event
Thanks to a collaboration between the CARE Center and Student Life, this year's Student Appreciation event expanded into a 6-hour event. Students stopped by the Campus Center on February 13th to let loose with food and some fun activities! Jim from Brisbane's Revenge catered, supplying the cutest little hot dogs, sliders and wings flavored with homemade plum sauce (Jim has a plum tree in his front yard and he likes using plum sauce on wings in place of teriyaki when he can. How creative is that?!) At the event, students enjoyed free massages, manicures, making their own self-care kit builds, crafts for all ages, boba tea and more! Shout-out to the CARE Center, Student Life and the countless volunteers, nicely done!
NHCC Students Head to the Capitol for Advocacy Day
On February 18th, NHCC students participated in Advocacy Day with LEAD MN at the Capitol. During the day, students enjoyed meeting and discussing with our state elected officials and spoke very positively of the overall experience. Each year, this serves as a great event for our students and state leaders. The meetings were a resounding success and the students really enjoyed the opportunity!
Community Conversation on Immigration Safety Held at NHCC
Representative Huldah Hiltsley invited Dr. Garcia to speak on a panel regarding immigration safety at a townhall event on-campus on February 20th. Dr. Garcia was joined on the panel with Rep. Sandra Feist, MN Attorney General Keith Ellison, Chief Mark Bruley from Brooklyn Park, Hennepin County Attorney Mary Moriarty, partners from the Office of U.S. Rep. Kelly Morrison, with local immigration lawyers and other key stakeholders. Members of the community were invited to join the conversation in-person, or online. Thank you to our esteemed guests who came to campus to have this very timely and very important discussion. We appreciate it!
Fostering Connection and Collaboration at our Guided Pathways Planning Day
On February 25th, NHCC employees all gathered in Helling Hall for a fantastic Basic Needs presentation by Ellie, a speed networking event and ended the day with a hands-on service project. It was an enjoyable day of connecting with colleagues!
Students Host a Mario Maker Level Design Playtesting Event
This semester, the students taking NHCC's Video Game Entertainment course have been hard at work designing story-focused Mario Maker levels. On February 26th, they hosted a video game playtesting day; which served as a great opportunity for students to gain experience understanding game design, learn how to make sense of player feedback, AND have some fun in the process!
Special thanks to President Garcia for stopping by to play a few levels (not pictured), and for providing feedback on the games. Our students do amazing work!
Highlighting Local Artistic Talent at the 17th Annual Northwestern High School Art Show
Thank you to the artists and families who came to NHCC on February 27th for our Northwestern High School Art Show Awards Ceremony. Congratulations to Rogers High School student, Jasper Foley for receiving the 2025 People's Choice Award for their pastel piece titled, Off Duty!
Bravo to all the incredibly talented artists who participated in this year's Northwestern High School Art Show!
Heather Keeler Visits Campus for a Women's History Month Presentation
On March 3rd, NHCC's DEI department invited campus to a Women's History Month Presentation, HERstory: The Indigenous Perspective. Heather Keeler was the keynote speaker for this presentation and she is currently serving her second term as a Minnesota State Representative. We were happy to have you, Heather!
Making Connections at the Annual Legislative Breakfast
Thanks to everyone who came out on March 4th for the Legislative Breakfast at Saint Paul College! We enjoyed having the time to hear from local legislators, and the chancellor, connect with colleagues and chat with students about the value of education.
These events wouldn't be possible without our fantastic employees, students, and community members. We thank you for attending our recent events and representing NHCC!