BROOKLYN PARK, MN – The Association of American Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) selected North Hennepin Community College (NHCC), including partners CCX Media and the City of Brooklyn Park, to participate in the Institute on Truth, Racial Healing & Transformation (THRT) June 21-24, 2022 that prepares the next generation of leaders to break down systemic racism and dismantle belief in a hierarchy of human value.
NHCC was selected based on their proposals’ ability to create positive narratives about race, identify and examine current realities of race relations in their communities, envision communities without entrenched racial hierarchies, and pinpoint levers for change and key individuals to engage. Representatives from North Hennepin Community College include Dr. “Eda” Rassheedah Watts, Associate Vice President Equity & Inclusion – Chief Diversity Officer, Deanne Newborg, Faculty Steward, Liz Hogenson, Director of Marketing & Communications; representatives from CCX Media include Tamisha Touray, Special Projects Coordinator, Javier Cedillo, Create Coordinator; and Marcellus Davis, Racial Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Manager from the City of Brooklyn Park.
“We are excited to be participating in the TRHT Institute again,” said Dr. Rolando García. “So much great learning took place resulting in action that created important dialogue and engagement on our campus and within our surrounding communities. We look forward to building that momentum with CCX Media and the City of Brooklyn Park.”
Since NHCC’s participation in the 2020 TRHT Institute, several initiatives blossomed including Stages of Equity, an annual visual & performing arts festival that raises up the powerful work of BIPOC artists on campus; Equity Advocates, a monthly meeting for NHCC employees to talk about and put into practice ways to promote antiracist engagement with colleagues; Racial Healing Circles offered to employees and various community partners including Brooklyn Center Community Schools, Minnesota State Department of Labor, and in collaboration with the City of Brooklyn Park’s Community Forum on Race; and an Anti-Racism Reading & Discussion Group with the City of Brooklyn Center.
For more information, visit the THRT Institute.