In honor of #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek, the NHCC CARE Center is sharing 5 steps you can take to help someone who is feeling suicidal. Learn more by setting up an appointment with a counselor and emailing us at CARECenter@nhcc.edu.
Step 1: If you think someone might be considering suicide, take the first step and #BeThe1To ask. Ask directly, “Are you thinking about killing yourself?” Asking will not make suicide an option for someone if they were not considering it.
Once someone tells you they are thinking about suicide, take Step 2 and #BeThe1To keep them safe. This might look different while we’re all doing our best to social distance. Learn more at https://www.bethe1to.com/bethe1to-and-covid-19/ or get scheduled with a counselor.
When someone is talking about committing suicide, follow Step 3 and #BeThe1To be there. Listen to their reasons for feeling hopeless. Do your best to listen without judgment. Take a look at this quick video about the difference between empathy and sympathy: https://youtu.be/1Evwgu369Jw. To learn more about empathy or suicide prevention, come meet with a counselor.
If someone you know is thinking about suicide, take Step 4 and #BeThe1To help them connect to resources. Help them build a circle of support. Check out a list of support resources through NAMI MN: https://mentalhealthmn.org/support/. Get scheduled with a counselor to learn more about supporting someone in crisis.
If someone you know is feeling suicidal and you’ve taken the first 4 steps to #BeThe1To (1) Ask, (2) Keep Them Safe, (3) Be There, and (4) Connect Them to Resources, don't forget to take the last step and #BeThe1To follow up with them. While you’re doing the hard work of supporting someone else, get scheduled with a counselor for support of your own.
Important resources and events for students, staff and faculty including FREE virtual trainings.
Learn more about World Suicide Prevention Day at the International Association for Suicide Prevention and consider taking part in an event, having a conversation about suicide with your loved ones to break the stigma, or taking a moment to reflect on how suicide has impacted you and others.
Enroll in a FREE Suicide Prevention Classes through NAMI Minnesota:
Get trained in Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR).
Similar to CPR, QPR is an emergency crisis response that can save lives. QPR is the most widely taught gatekeeper training program in the U.S. More than one million adults, in 48 states have been trained in QPR. This 1.5 hour class is open to anyone over the age of 16, who would like to learn best practices in suicide prevention. A certificate of attendance is available for this class and is sent after you fill out the evaluation.
NAMI MN is offering QPR training twice in September (click the date to register):
Tuesday, September 14th from 1-2:30 pm and Thursday, September 30th from 11:30-1 pm
Review and refresh your suicide knowledge with these helpful links:
National Alliance on Mental Health Minnesota
American Foundation for Suicide Prevention
National Institute of Mental Health Statistics
Save these crisis phone numbers:
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-273-8255, or text "Start" to 741-741.
Hennepin County Community Outreach for Psychiatric Emergencies (COPE): 612-596-1223
Other County Mobile Mental Health Crisis Teams
Anoka: 763-755-3801
Ramsey 651-266-7900
Dakota: 952-891-7171
Wright 1-800-635-8008
Carver/Scott: 952-442-7601
Washington: 651-275-7400