Urgency of Awareness: Creating an Inclusive Environment for Diverse Populations
Wednesday, October 11th, 2023 from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm in the NHCC Grand Hall
The Rotary Club of Maple Grove invites you to attend Urgency of Awareness: Creating an Inclusive Environment for Diverse Populations, a day long training program led by international presenter Jodi Pfarr in which attendees will learn how to work effectively with diverse populations.
Training Description: In today’s diverse work, our professional and personal experiences often require us to work effectively with diverse populations – whether that diversity is economic, racial, gender, etc.
This unique training will allow participants to become conscious of, and better understand their personal experiences while also being open to the complexities of other’s experiences.
It empowers leadership to tap into talent regardless of background, and acknowledges and spans those diverse backgrounds. Participants will leave with a very practical understanding of how to work effectively with diverse populations, helping them better manage, supervise or volunteer within their organizations or communities. This training is intended to be a framework upon which initiatives are built to ensure inclusivity.
Keynote speaker: Jodi Pfarr, https://www.jpfarr.com
Please register for this training by October 4th, 2023.
Fee: $25.00 Per Attendee- This includes an outstanding seminar, a light lunch, and Jodi's book (The Urgency of Awareness: Unlocking the Power within Individual, Organizational, and Community Efforts).
Questions about this seminar? Please reach out to Larry@JLSCompanies.com
Register: https://one.bidpal.net/rotaryinclusivity2023
We look forward to seeing you there!