a photo of the Fall 2024 Student Senate group smiling for a photo in the Campus Center.

Applications are now open for positions on the NHCC Student Senate! This is your chance to take an active role in shaping the future of our campus community, representing your peers, and making your voice heard.

Why Join the Student Senate?

  • Leadership Opportunities: Gain valuable experience leading initiatives and working with campus leaders.
  • Impactful Advocacy: Be the voice of the student body, influencing policies and programs that matter to you and your peers.
  • Skill Development: Build skills in communication, teamwork, and problem-solving that will benefit you both academically and professionally.
  • Community Engagement: Collaborate with diverse students and NHCC campus leadership to foster an inclusive and vibrant campus culture.

Open Positions:

We currently have openings for the following roles:

  • Legislative Coordinator: Responsible for all legislative affairs of the Student Senate that shall be conducted in the best interest of the North Hennepin Community College student body.
  • Treasurer: Serves as the budget consultant of the Student Senate and advise the group on spending as well as serve on the Student Life Budget Committee.
  • Senator At-Large: Represent the general student body on all student issues and lead at least one project per year of their interest.
  • Ombuds: Serve as a neutral resource to address student concerns and ensure fair processes.

How to Apply:

Visit the Student Senate application form to apply for any one of these positions by Friday, January 31. For more information, visit the Student Senate webpage.


If you have any questions, contact Monte Stewart, Director of Student Life,  monte.stewart@nhcc.edu or 763-424-0804.

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