LIVE MUSIC IS BACK AT NHCC! Vocal ensembles, orchestra. jazz ensemble and concert band.
Vocal Ensembles Friday, December 2: 7:30pm
Orchestra Monday, December 5: 7:30pm
Jazz Ensemble Tuesday, December 6: 7:30pm
Concert Band Wednesday, December 7: 7:30pm
No Reservations Necessary!
$10 Suggested Admission | General Public, Faculty, Staff
The Weight and the Slumber concert will be on December 2, 2022 at 7:30pm. This event is free of charge and will be located in the NHCC Fine Arts Building Main Theatre, room 178. This winter choral and vocal concert will feature NHCC’s Concert Choir, Chamber Singers and soloists. "The Weight and the Slumber" concert will include music about working hard and the rest that comes after. NHCC's vocal ensembles and soloists revel in work songs and rest songs, tunes about adventuring and complete with campfire sing-alongs.
Can't make it, watch the live stream.
The NHCC Orchestra Concert will be on December 5, 2022 at 7:30pm. This event is free of charge and will be located in the NHCC Fine Arts Building Main Theatre, room 178. At the NHCC Orchestra Concert students and community members will play music by Balmages, Barry, Borodin, Dvorak, Offenbach, Reed, Strommen and Whitacre will be performed. This orchestral music enriches, heals and invigorates the soul. Where words fail, music speaks.
Can't make it, watch the live stream.
The NHCC Jazz Ensemble Fall Concert will be on December 6, 2022 at 7:30pm. This event is free of charge and will be located in the NHCC Fine Arts Building Main Theatre, room 178. Join us for an evening of standards and more as we explore music of the late David Wolpe and contemporary works by Patty Darling. (Please note: this event will not include any holiday tunes, but it will give off the same vibe as an old jazz club in the 50’s!) Featuring vocalist, Avri Blashack. This will be an evening you won't want to miss!
Can't make it, watch the live stream.
The NHCC Concert Band 10th Anniversary Concert will be on December 7, 2022 at 7:30pm. This event is free of charge and will be located in the NHCC Fine Arts Building Main Theatre, room 178. Come help us celebrate 10 years of Concert Band music at NHCC! In fall of 2012 the Concert Band returned to NHCC after a 30 year absence. The concert will highlight favorites from the last 10 years as well as several new tunes! Only time will tell what’s in store for the next 10 years!
Can't make it, watch the live stream.
Thank you for your continued support of NHCC Fine Arts. See you at the show!