NHCC Biology faculty, Dr. Tamara Mans recently got a paper published with her collaborators. Citation: DeChenne-Peters SE, Rakus JF, Parente AD, Mans TL, Eddy R, Galport N, et al. (2023) Length of course-based undergraduate research experiences (CURE) impacts student learning and attitudinal outcomes: A study of the Malate dehydrogenase CUREs Community (MCC). PLoS ONE 18(3): e0282170.
In the words of Dr. Mans, “This work was done by faculty in the national Malate dehydrogenase CUREs Community (MCC). We are interested in how course-based undergraduate research experiences affect student learning, and over the course of our work, we have assessed whether inter-institutional collaboration, type of institution, and length of CURE experience affect student outcomes. We collected data from about 1500 students in 19 institutions, including NHCC. In this paper, we present the findings that longer CURE experiences lead to greater impact on experimental design, career interests, and plans to conduct future research, while other outcomes were similar between long or short CUREs and control conditions. We also assessed whether there was a differential impact for underrepresented minority students. Several NHCC Biology faculty members teach labs with course-based undergraduate research experiences to students in our biology transfer pathway program, so this work provides suggestions for maximizing the impact of this approach.”
Dr. Mans believes that the figures above are the most easily deciphered. The title of its caption: "Fig 10. More students in the cCURE report plans to conduct undergraduate research while more URM students in the mCURE report plans to conduct research."
NHCC English faculty, Dr. Lisa Whalen’s book, Stable Weight: A Memoir of Hunger, Horses, and Hope, was released as an audiobook last month. Lisa’s book is available on Audible, Apple Books, Google Play, and other audiobook applications. Find more details on her website.
Mark Larson was recently interviewed from the city of the Birthplace of Aikido (n Japanese and English). View the English translated article here.
There are 140 countries doing aikido and out of all the previous live-in students worldwide, they chose Mark as one of the two interviewees. Mark added, “being interviewed was truly an honor, and I was able to put a plug in for NHCC.”
With the May 1st Aikido of NHCC “15 year Anniversary,” the timing of the interview could not have been better! Mark views this article as a way to get our college and Aikido program out there and let others know we are known globally.
NHCC English faculty, Brian Baumgart recently had his poems included within various literary publications. These are the titles that were published and the journals who selected them,
“A Simple Question of Measurement” in Thimble Literary Magazine.
“His Memory (of Memory)” in Emerge Literary Journal.
“The Private Version” in Emerge Literary Journal.
“Upon Injuring My Left Wrist, Left Ankle, Left Knee” in The Stuff that Was Said (poetry anthology, released in September).
Thank you to those who shared faculty and staff accomplishments with us! We TRULY enjoy celebrating you!